Day One- near disaster?!

>> 12.28.2009

The day started off with a drive to the ANC airport. 18 hours and 3 layovers later, I arrived in Paris. Thank god I met someone on the plane who was actually from here or there would have been no way that I could have found my hostel. He showed me how to use the RER and the metro system. I ca't believe how efficient it is!! No matter where you are in this city, you can walk less than 10 minutes and find a subway station. I love it. I got to my hostel and almost vomited. Its a tiny, dark, hole in the wall with NO SHOWER....... They lied on the website. It is quite possibly the worst spent 33 dollars ever. I walked around a small section of Paris today and to my horror I discovered that there is NO FREE WIRELESS in this city. Who thought of that?!?! I am actually inside of a Mconalds so that I can write on here, and I had to buy a Diet Coke in order to do so! Its crazy. I don't know what the first Parisian night has in store for me, but I am guessing lots of slimy frenchmen are going to try to take me to dinner. (No joke, it happened 4 times just this morning.) Never underestimate the power of being foreign and the creepiness of local men. I will be sure to update you with some pictures of my disgusting hostel and details of my next few days. Let's hope the next hostel is a bit nicer.


Michele 28 December, 2009 22:38  

Stay safe Rachel. I love you!

Unknown 29 December, 2009 11:53  

Although it sounds like a disaster, it sounds like a great experience and an amazing adventure - I am so jealous! I hope you stay safe, too. Keep your blog updated! :)
