Rue Voltaire

>> 1.02.2010

I thought it would be nice if I showed some photos of the apartment that I am staying in! Its a small place right on Voltaire, with a boulangerie and a charcuterie right below. It's really nice. The people that I am staying with are great, I am so grateful. I feel much safer with them than I did staying in hostels. (And they make REALLY good coffee.) I don't know what I am going to do today, it's raining pretty hard, and I feel like I can get some writing done if I stayed inside today. I don't know.. Anyway, here's a few photos of the apartment!


January 1, 2009, UNE BOULE D'ENFER!

>> 1.01.2010

Sorry that I wrote so late!! I was out and about today and I forgot my charger at the apartment. I had a ton of fun last night. Lorenzo took us all to this huge party called "Une! Boule D'enfer" and it was nuts. There were probably about 200 people there. Too much fun for me. I made it out safely and had a great day after that. This morning, I went on a croissant run and just wandered through the 3rd arrondisement. There's just so much too look at here, I am so in love. Never coming home. Ahh.


la nouvelle annee!

>> 12.31.2009

So, tonight is New Year's Eve, and I think that I am going to have a BLAST. We're currently trying to find a good club to go out to, and I am sure that we'll find one. It's really rainy today so I don't thnk I am going to do anything tourist-y, but I might go out and grab un cafe. Slept in a little bit today, but it's okay. Its funny, I don't feel any jet jag and the time difference is ten hours! I wake up every morning at 7, no matter what- I think it's because there is a boulangerie right below this apartment and I can smell the fresh "pain" in the morning... Croissants, mmmm. Parfait. I'll be sure to take TONS of pictures tonight.. :) A la prochaine.


Pere Lachaise

>> 12.30.2009

I ended up going to the Pere Lachaise cemetary and decided to share some photos. It was really overcast when I arrived and a funeral was taking place- it was quite somber, but stil beautiful. It's odd, tourists are literally crawling through the cemetary while locals are there mourning their relatives, it's almost embarrassing to be taking photos. But, of course, I did (discretely). Voila!


Rain, rain, rain.

It's been raining quite a bit here lately, but the weather is still absolutely beautiful. It's about 45 degrees here, much nicer than the 15 degrees in Alaska. And no snow!! It's wonderful. As I mentioned before, I met two really fun guys here and last night I got to meet some of their friends. We all went out to the 4th arrondisement and found a super funny gay bar to hang out in. So much fun. The nightlife here is absolutely ridiculous!! I also got to see a few of the museums as well as the Bastille. I am very lucky beacuse the people that I am hanging out with are really taking care of me and showing me wonderful things. They are finally forcing me to speak in French, which I really appreciate. Anyway, I am off to go see the Eiffel Tower and eat some delicious croissants.


december 29, 2009

>> 12.29.2009

I met some fabulous Parisians- Winston and Lorenzo- who showed me around the town yesterday, and I had a blast. They took me out in the morning for FRESH, right out of the oven croissants and pan de chocolat. I'm never coming home... Haha, kidding of course, but as of now, I have decided that I really enjoy Paris. It's really rainy today and I forgot my umbrella so I don't know what all I will see- I'm thinking about going to take a trip to see the Eiffel Tower or something.. It's just as much fun to just walk down the streets and people-watch here! The guys that I'm with showed me a bunch of the areas around Paris, and its funny because it's almost clique-ish. There's a goth part of town, a Jewish part of town, and so on. I think that I am going to go grab a coffee (and it's all delicious here!!) and make a plan of what I should do. And maybe I should find people to hang out with that DON'T speak English!! I'm not getting to practice my French very often. I'm safe, and I will be in touch soon.

Gros bisoux!


Day One- near disaster?!

>> 12.28.2009

The day started off with a drive to the ANC airport. 18 hours and 3 layovers later, I arrived in Paris. Thank god I met someone on the plane who was actually from here or there would have been no way that I could have found my hostel. He showed me how to use the RER and the metro system. I ca't believe how efficient it is!! No matter where you are in this city, you can walk less than 10 minutes and find a subway station. I love it. I got to my hostel and almost vomited. Its a tiny, dark, hole in the wall with NO SHOWER....... They lied on the website. It is quite possibly the worst spent 33 dollars ever. I walked around a small section of Paris today and to my horror I discovered that there is NO FREE WIRELESS in this city. Who thought of that?!?! I am actually inside of a Mconalds so that I can write on here, and I had to buy a Diet Coke in order to do so! Its crazy. I don't know what the first Parisian night has in store for me, but I am guessing lots of slimy frenchmen are going to try to take me to dinner. (No joke, it happened 4 times just this morning.) Never underestimate the power of being foreign and the creepiness of local men. I will be sure to update you with some pictures of my disgusting hostel and details of my next few days. Let's hope the next hostel is a bit nicer.