Rain, rain, rain.

>> 12.30.2009

It's been raining quite a bit here lately, but the weather is still absolutely beautiful. It's about 45 degrees here, much nicer than the 15 degrees in Alaska. And no snow!! It's wonderful. As I mentioned before, I met two really fun guys here and last night I got to meet some of their friends. We all went out to the 4th arrondisement and found a super funny gay bar to hang out in. So much fun. The nightlife here is absolutely ridiculous!! I also got to see a few of the museums as well as the Bastille. I am very lucky beacuse the people that I am hanging out with are really taking care of me and showing me wonderful things. They are finally forcing me to speak in French, which I really appreciate. Anyway, I am off to go see the Eiffel Tower and eat some delicious croissants.