>> 1.29.2010

     Again, sorry for the hiatus. I was in Roubaix once again, and without internet. I also forgot my outlet adapter at a friend's house, so I wasn't able to charge my laptop- apparently, I had to buy another one.
     Roubaix was again fantastic. I got to go to Melrose's school again, which was nice. It's called ESAAT. I am very excited today because I get to return to Paris! I am going to see Chamone today at 4:30!! I can't wait. Other than that, I've spent my morning packing. It's so odd, I feel like Mathilde's is my home. When I returned from Roubaix, I got that warm feeling like I was somewhere I belonged. Ahh. The next best thing to sleeping in my own bed in Alaska.
     I fell in love with Jaques Brel. Here's a link. Dear lord, he is amazing.



>> 1.26.2010



      So I think that I am returning to Roubaix today at some point. It's really nice to be in a place like Neuville en Ferrain because it is really close to both Lille and Roubaix- only about a 30 minute Metro ride. I love having friends here! It makes my life a little bit more interesting. Last night I began reading Romeo & Juliet in French, and it has proven to be extremely difficult. It's hard enough to understand in English, however it is definitely a little bit more fun to read in French. :)
     Mathilde got super sick yesterday with the flu and I am terrified that I might catch it, damn weak immune system. She just got a job and so I am alone more and more often. I am excited though, because a really good friend of mine, Chamone, is going to school in London and she is coming into Paris for the weekend! It gives me a good excuse to leave here for my love, Paris, and have some fun! I can't wait.
     I wish I would have brought more clothes. I have NOTHING to wear that is cute, and in Paris, it's all about looking like a million dollars all the time. I don't even have a blow dryer or a straightener! What is wrong with me?!? I'm sure that I'll figure something out. but for now, I am scrubbing it. I have no money for clothes or anything, so we'll see. Maybe I can con Chamone into giving me some cute things, she has just about everything, and I am sure she brought about 15 suitcases with her to London.
      Other than that, I am just hanging out at the house. This place is absolutely gorgeous. I have come to really enjoy the outdoors here. It's just so rainy, and green. And the brick is just amazing. I can understand why people live here. The only problem with this area is that there is honestly nothing to really do. There are no clubs or bars or restaurants. Just pharmacies and places like that. And the Metro is a good 25 minute walk from Mathilde's house. It's a fun little adventure everyday.
     Alright. Well, when I get more information on my Paris plans, I'll fill you all in!
      Love you all.



>> 1.25.2010

     I want to put a layout onto my blog, and I cannot for the life of me figure out how to do it. It's killing me because I am usually very good at this. HTML, that is. Ugh. If someone knows how to do it, I have a downloaded skin and images- I would LOVE you if you could teach me via SKYPE or something, like my email. I don't know. I can't even figure it out using like online references. This is so annoying. Someone help me!!


Belgique, Cimitere, et autres choses

>> 1.24.2010

Today I went on a really long walk, and I found the local cemetery- of course I had to wander in. It was very beautiful, much more quaint than Pere Lachaise, but still wonderful. I found a cat lurking in the grounds, and he came up to me and said hello. I am convinced that it was really someone who had died. The cat kept rubbing up against this one headstone; it just might have been his. After that, I went with Mathilde and her friend Emmanuel to... Belgium! It was pretty odd, lots of really strange clothing stores and huge tobacco shops. They also love their fries there. We only stayed for about an hour because they were shopping. It was alright, but it didn't blow my mind.
     I went on another walk when I got home, but it's really cold today, so my walk was pretty short. I don't think that I am going to do anything tonight, but here are some pictures for the day. The house in the first picture is Mathilde's. Really nice!