>> 1.29.2010

     Again, sorry for the hiatus. I was in Roubaix once again, and without internet. I also forgot my outlet adapter at a friend's house, so I wasn't able to charge my laptop- apparently, I had to buy another one.
     Roubaix was again fantastic. I got to go to Melrose's school again, which was nice. It's called ESAAT. I am very excited today because I get to return to Paris! I am going to see Chamone today at 4:30!! I can't wait. Other than that, I've spent my morning packing. It's so odd, I feel like Mathilde's is my home. When I returned from Roubaix, I got that warm feeling like I was somewhere I belonged. Ahh. The next best thing to sleeping in my own bed in Alaska.
     I fell in love with Jaques Brel. Here's a link. Dear lord, he is amazing.