Belgique, Cimitere, et autres choses

>> 1.24.2010

Today I went on a really long walk, and I found the local cemetery- of course I had to wander in. It was very beautiful, much more quaint than Pere Lachaise, but still wonderful. I found a cat lurking in the grounds, and he came up to me and said hello. I am convinced that it was really someone who had died. The cat kept rubbing up against this one headstone; it just might have been his. After that, I went with Mathilde and her friend Emmanuel to... Belgium! It was pretty odd, lots of really strange clothing stores and huge tobacco shops. They also love their fries there. We only stayed for about an hour because they were shopping. It was alright, but it didn't blow my mind.
     I went on another walk when I got home, but it's really cold today, so my walk was pretty short. I don't think that I am going to do anything tonight, but here are some pictures for the day. The house in the first picture is Mathilde's. Really nice!