>> 1.04.2010
So, some things that I find funny:
When I walked into the room that I am staying in, I found this-
Not only are these the cigarettes that the people in my favorite show smoke, but in France, they have very nice labels. The French, as you know, LOVE to smoke. They love to smoke everywhere, all the time. But unlike in the United States, the labels here are direct. For those of you who don't speak french, "Fumer Tue" means Smoking Kills. And it's so funny because this label takes up half the box, and people still go through them like water (this probably isn't the best analogy, because the French also believe that "water is for the flowers." Yeah, they don't drink water- only wine. And usually only red wine). It's fabulous.
So, i've been writing little short stories- vignettes, if you will- since i've been here. Maybe I'll start uploading them onto here or something. But until then, here's a picture of the room that I am staying in! The person who usually lives here is quite the artist, so the room is full of really cool art posters and materials and stuff. I wish I was that talented!
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