>> 1.18.2010
Hiatus, I know. I'm sorry that I haven't written, I've been actually travelling. As some of you now know, I arrived in Lille just yesterday, and I've been fighting to find wireless internet everywhere. I am actually staying with a friend of mine, Mathilde, in Neuville de Ferrain. It's a smaller city on the outskirts of Lille.
She has school everyday, so I came with her into Lille today, and I've been spending my day in and out of cafes, fighting the cold, and searching for WIFI. Ugh. I have a ton of photos to upload, but I don't have my cord, so expect some Lill-ian pictures later.
And, I miss Paris. I am so in LOVE with that city. I miss it so much. There's just something so magical about that place, and I feel a void forming in my heart. Another thing that is bothering me is that all of a sudden, I've started gaining weight. I lost a few pounds when I first arrived in Paris, but now it's starting to catch up to me. No more bread or cheese. Now I am going to survive on cafe alone, because it is now the only thing that I can afford. All of the cheap food is like, Nutella Paninni, Pan au Chocolat, Croissant, etc. and it kills me. Everything here is very expensive, and when I start to convert the prices into USD, I want to cry. I am getting to be so broke, I hate it. And all of the clothes here are to die for. KDJHALKJAD. Frustration.
I am hoping to see a friend of mine sometime this week who lives in Roubaix, an even smaller city by Lille. He attends an art school there, and it would be nice to see a familiar face.
Family, I miss you. Mom, come to France soon so that I can go back to Paris- I miss it already and it's only been one day. I don't even care about going to Italy now... Let's just stay in Paris, okay? You'll like it better, I swear. I think I'm going to move there sometime in the next few years. I'll just practice y French and attend college here. It's really really cheap. Better than the 40,000 USD here.
A bientot.
Remember to keep an open mind - there are new adventures and hidden treasures everywhere. Although, Paris is great. Give Mathilde a big hug for me. Love you.
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