Winter in Paris

>> 1.08.2010

It's snowing! Well, not really, but for Paris, this is crazy. I just ran out and got freshly baked baguettes and some cheese, delicious. I spent the day walking around just looking at shops and galleries- it's super cold today, about -2 C, and really windy. Mmm. Tomorrow I am going to go to Pompidou and maybe some other galleries. Like I said earlier, Winston and I went to the Louvre, but we did not go in because it was really crowded, so I might do that as well. Since I'm going to Lille in a few days, I have to get all my touristy things out of the way. I need to go see the cathedrals and the catacombs still! Well, I am going to cook some dinner, but I'll post later! Love, love, love.