>> 2.13.2010
Ah, it’s been a while now, and I am sorry. I have been so busy doing all kinds of things! So as my update, I will let you know that I left from Neuville-En-Ferrain a week ago and I have been CouchSurfing in Paris- finally. I had always planned on trying that site out, and I am happy to inform tout le monde that it works really well! I was very happy with the two people who allowed me to stay with them. They were both really generous.
As of lately, I have been working on the documentary with Lorenzo and Jerome. It’s rewarding for me because I am helping them write the subtitles and so I get to see the translations from English to French. I am happy to say that my French has improved DRAMATICALLY. My language has gotten to the point that I can go out and meet people and actually hold conversations. I didn’t think that I would improve so much. However, I am a little bit afraid that when I return to Alaska, I will lose my french. I suppose that I will just have to keep in constant contact with the people that I have met in Paris.
Other than that, I have been hanging out with my new friends quite a bit. We go dancing at really interesting clubs like Oz Bar and Le Globo, so I have fun all the time- it’s the dancer in me. Oh, and Melrose bought a video projector, so we’ve been having film nights at his friend Bouba’s apartment.
My mom comes in 5 days! I am so excited to see her. I have to say, as much as I love Paris, I really miss home. And Alivia is back in Alaska. I can’t wait to come home. I need to have a regular schedule again. I miss being able to go to the gym and I also miss working. How odd. I miss working? Who am I?
One good thing that has come from my trip is that I’ve written about 45 pages of stories. No joke. I have just been so inspired here. The people, the food, the culture, and the clubs have all influenced me more than I thought. I am going to be a changed person when I come back to Alaska! My style has definitely changed as well. And I’ve gotten fat. Haha! Can’t wait for the gym.
Also, to let everyone know, I’m starting a new blog, and that is why I haven’t been so active on Voltaire No 6. It’s a blog dedicated to reviews on restaurants, shows, movies, music, and fashion, and it’s been taking up a ton of my time. But I’ve gone to so many amazing places here, that I just HAVE to start this. I actually have been getting into a few places for free so that I can interview the owners and take photos. It’s really interesting. I finally feel like my inner journalist is coming out. I bought a cheap audio recorder, and it’s my new best friend. So watch out for my new blog- it’s called BEAUBEAUX. Coming soon.
I’ll be sure to be a little more active; I know that some of you have been anxious to see what I’ve been up to (my family). Lots of love, and I will be in contact soon! Promise.
Post Script- I can’t find my adaptor for my camera so I will post a large group of photos as soon as I find it! Keep an eye out.
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