>> 2.04.2010

     Yesterday night, I was fortunate enough to be able to attend a modern dance spectacle called Present Memory, and I have to say, I do not think I have been quite so moved in a while. It consisted of three parts- the first, Les Souvenirs de Sam Jackson McBryb, the second, If You Knew, and then finally the third, If To Leave is to Remember. 
     The show, in its entirety lasted about an hour and a half, and I honestly don't think I took a breath. I even cried during the second part. The whole show was based on the fact that there is no past and there is no future- there is only the present- and they explored the emotions connected to that idea and interpreted it through dance. So beautiful.
     Here is an excerpt from one of the dances. (The text was integrated though the dance with projectors and screens): 
C'est ici.
Le moment,
L'endroit où la glace rencontre le fenetre,
Où l'ocean rencontre le rivage.
Il définit.
Il sépare.
C'est l'endroit ou le lever de soleil rencontre l'horizon,
C'est un moment aprés le passè
C'est juste avant le futur.
Ce n'est pas tout à fait moi,
Ce n'est pas toi.
C'est en nous tous. 

      I almost died. And now my mind is whirring with new dance ideas and choreography. I seriously can not wait to return to Alaska, get a job, sign up for ADT again, and START DANCING. I need to. It is something that I have missed so much and something that I think about each and every day of my life. I dream of dance, I see dance. I need dance.
     Annnnd enough of that. Here are some photos of the show. I have some videos, but they are going to take me a while to upload. Enjoy!