>> 2.24.2010

     Guilt. I am truly sorry for not posting. Everyone has really been on my case for not writing! I have been doing some pretty incredible things lately, and my MOM is here now! How exciting! So to fill everyone in, here are some of the highlights of what we have been doing:

     The Louvre- I was sadly a little bit reluctant to go; as of lately, I have been really turned off by museums, and I have to say, I was blown away. The sheer amount of art they have there is unbelievable. Of course, my favorite things were the Greek sculptures. Here's a photo of my favorite one.
      Winged Victory. Ridiculous. And Mom's favorites were the Egyptian Antiquities. They were cool as well. After about 4 hours of walking through that museum, I was so sick of stairs. 
     L'Orangeries- A HUGE collection of Monet's waterlilies. The museum, located right across from the Gardens and the Concord, was shaped and lit JUST for his works. The paintings stretched around the room and it was beautiful. I wish I had more photos! Oh! I lost my camera cord at Lorenzo's apartment, so I no longer have a camera to take pictures with. I am quite heartbroken. As soon as I find another cord, I will be sure to post photos en masse for everyone. I promise. Here's a great shot of some of Monet's waterlilies. 

     Versailles: OVERLY Gaudy. I don't even know how the French allowed Louis XIV to live as long as they did. He reigned for over 70 years and he spent more than 1 year's worth of France's GDP on redo-ing his home. It was amazing to see how lavish the monarch was and also how conceited Louis XIV- The Sun King- was. He thought he was second in command only to God. There is actually a photo in one of the chambers that depicts a party at Versailles, and Jesus is sitting at one of the tables enjoying his time with the King. Haha! Incredible. After walking through the Chateau, Mom and I walked around the city and it was absolutely beautiful. We bought some deliciously adorable Macaroons and ate them at a wonderful quaint cafe. After that, we went and got dinner at a great restaurant called "Le Tire Bouchon." I had some of the best fish I had ever tasted in my life, and Mom got duck breast with this cherry sauce that looked divine. A great day.
     Catacombs:  Sadly enough, I think this is my favorite tourist-y thing that I have done since I arrived in Paris. It is a huge collection of bones and skulls built up into walls under a quarry located in the Monparnasse Cimitere. I just might be the Queen of Macabre. I love Pere Lachaise and the Catacombs. Who am I? It was really interesting. Of course, as we were walking though, my mother could only muse on how great of a Halloween party she could throw in there. I am thinking of renaming her "Martha," because she can only seem to think of Martha Stewart-y Halloween schemes whenever we walk through the graveyards. So crazy.